Major Andrew Buchheit

Maj Andrew Buchheit is Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at Detachment 420, University of Minnesota, Duluth. He is responsible for teaching aerospace studies courses and serves as the Education and Recruiting Officer.

Maj Buchheit commissioned as an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant in May 2010 through AFROTC at Wright State University. He completed Combat Systems Officer training at NAS Pensacola, Florida in November 2011 and was subsequently qualified as an E-3 AWACS Navigator in May 2012. After completion of training, Maj Buchheit was assigned to the 966th Airborne Air Control Squadron at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. There he deployed as an E-3 Navigator in support of CENTCOM and upgraded to instructor navigator. Upon transferring to Tinker AFB, OK, Maj Buchheit was assigned to the 960th Airborne Air Control squadron and later to the 552 OSS where he served in multiple
positions, including the 552 OSS Aircrew Flight Equipment Flight Commander leading a team of over 40 airmen and non-commissioned officers maintaining all life support equipment for the E-3 fleet. In addition, he deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar, where he served as the E-3 Liaison Officer coordinating E-3 operations throughout the theater. Prior to his current position, the Major was Chief of Flight Deck PFT and an E-3 Flight Training Unit Instructor Navigator for the 966th Airborne Air Control Squadron, Tinker AFB, OK, where he was responsible for tracking all E-3 Initial Qualification Training records and instructing new navigator students on the E-3 platform.

2010 Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Cedarville University, Ohio

2010 Air and Space Basic Course, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.

2015 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.

2018 Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Louisville, Ky.

1. March 2008—January 2012, CSO Trainee, 479th Flight Training Group, Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida

2. January 2012---June 2012, E-3 Navigator Trainee, 966th Airbourne Air Control Squadron, Tinker Air Force Base,

3. June 2012—January 2013, E-3 Navigator, 962th AACS, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

4. January 2013—December 2013, Aircrew Flight Equipment Officer in Charge / E-3 Navigator, 962 AACS, JB
Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska (January 2013-April 2013, E-3 Navigator, 968th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control
Squadron, Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates)

5. December 2013—November 2014, Squadron Executive Officer / E-3 Navigator, 3rd Operation Support Squadron,
JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

6. November 2014—August 2015, Assistant Flight Commander / E-3 Instructor Navigator, 962nd AACS, JB
Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

7. August 2015—October 2015, E-3 Instructor Navigator, 960th AACS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

8. October 2015—April 2016, Deputy Chief, Squadron Safety / E-3 INAV, 960th AACS Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

9. April 2016—September 2016, Deputy Chief, Aircraft Systems Branch / INAV, 552nd OSS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

10. September 2016—March 2017, Chief of E-3 Scheduling / E-3 INAV, 552nd OSS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

11. March 2017—January 2019, AFE Flight Commander / E-3 INAV, 552nd OSS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma (October
2018—February 2019, E-3 Liaison Officer, 609th Air Operations Center, Al Udeid AB, Qatar)

12. January 2019—June 2019, Flight Training Unit E-3 INAV, 966th AACS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

13. June 2019—May 2021, Chief of Current Operations / FTU E-3 INAV, 966th AACS, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma

14. May 2021—September 2022, Chief of Flight Deck Program Flying Training / FTU E-3 INAV, 966th AACS, Tinker
AFB, Oklahoma

15. September 2022—Present, ROTC Instructor, Detachment 420, Duluth Minnesota

Rating: E-3 Flight Training Unit Instructor Navigator

Flight hours: 1281

Aircraft flown: E-3 AWACS

Air and Space Commendation medal with one oak leaf cluster

Second Lieutenant May 10, 2010

First Lieutenant May 10, 2012

Captain May 10, 2014

Maj Andrew Buchheit