Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Peterson

Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Peterson is the Commander of Air Force ROTC Detachment 420 and Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Lt. Col Peterson leads a team of cadre who recruit, educate, and train cadets from among four Duluth-area universities and colleges to be leaders in the United States Air Force and Space Force.

Lt Col Peterson received his commission in 2006 through the Air Force ROTC program at South Dakota State, earning degrees in civil engineering and mathematics. He attained a master’s degree in applied math from the Air Force institute of Technology in 2008 and earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from the the University of Missouri in 2013.

Lt Col Peterson has served in scientific and leadership positions in a variety of fields and organizations throughout his career to include operational flight test, academia, government research labs, and operations. Lt Col Peterson has deployed in support of Operations RESOLUTE SUPPORT, FREEDOM’S SENTINEL, and IRAQI FREEDOM.

2006 Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota

2006 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota

2006 Air and Space Basic Course, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

2008 Master of Science, Applied Mathematics, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Paterson AFB, Ohio

2013 Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

2014 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

2020 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

1. Jul 2006–Mar 2008, Master’s Student, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio

2. Mar 2008-Aug 2010, Flight Test Analyst, 59th Test and Evaluation Squadron, Nellis AFB, Nevada

3. Aug 2010-May 2013, Ph.D. Student, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

4. May 2013-Aug 2015, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Air Force Institute of Technology, WPAFB, Ohio

5. Aug 2015-Sep 2016, Executive Officer to the Dean, Air Force Institute of Technology, WPAFB, Ohio

6. Sep 2016-Apr 2017, International Research Program Manager, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, London, UK

7. Apr 2017-Oct 2017, Operations Research Analyst, CENTCOM Deployment and Distribution Operations Center, Camp
Arifjan, Kuwait.

8. Oct 2017-Jul 2019, International Research Program Manager, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, London, UK

9. Jul 2019-Jun 2020, Student, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

10. Jun 2020-Jul 2022, Chief, Analysis, Assessments, and Lessons Learned, Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt
Field, Florida

11. Jul 2022 – Present, Commander, Air Force ROTC Detachment 420, University of Minnesota-Duluth, Minnesota

Defense Meritorious Service Medal

Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf cluster

Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster

Second Lieutenant May 31, 2006

First Lieutenant May 31, 2008

Captain May 31, 2010

Major August 1, 2016

Lieutenant Colonel October 1, 2019

Lt Col Jesse Peterson